The Wellthy Om

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Many people think that by 30, you should have everything figured out. For some, including me it doesn't always work out that way and there's nothing wrong with that. You will face detours, crossroads, one-ways and more... I like to say, I took the scenic route.

I am currently in cosmetology school and it has been an adjustment, but being back in a school environment is a very humbling experience. I find myself actually studying and working to perfect my craft. Since the material I'm study now will be used in my daily life, I find myself reading through chapters, researching information, watching videos and really trying to understand and digest the material.

I have completed more than half of my program. I have not been late or missed a single day since I started seven months ago. The way the attendance policy is set up, if you miss a day you push your graduation day back. I plan to complete my program on my actual graduation day!

Attending cosmetology school at this stage in my life made me appreciate and enjoy my experience so much more. Everyday, I study, read, and practice. The beauty industry is ever-changing and I want to be on top of my game post graduation.